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Important 4 pg TLS on United State Letterhead from Henry Cabot Lodge to William Henry Moody (Secretary of the Navy under Roosevelt at the time)marked personal dated October 18,1902. Lodge (had the role (but not the official title) of the first Senate Majority Leader, at the time. This letter is very historical and explains Lodge and the Presidents stance on the coal strike going out west and then he goes into the Reciprocity and the Newfoundland “Free Trade” treaty. A Sir Robert Bond Newfoundland’s premier wanted to have a free trade treaty related to the Fisheries and selling bait and Lodge was against the treaty being signed and goes into detail how it could effect the coming elections. This letter is goes into detail his and the US stance and, writes that he heard that it might have already been signed which “ has troubled him very much”.

Letter in part:” Nahant, Mass ,Oct. 18th 1902

Dear Mr. Moody …I have taken the exact position which you held and have taken in your speech …..while we might in a revision obtain free hides, without a concession and coal, also for special regards without making concessions, that we cannot hope to get free iron, free lumber and free wool, without large concessions, which would be disastrous to nearly all our industries. I have argued this with the utmost plainness; the governor has taken the same position, so has Gillette and my own argument have been thoroughly well received for I think they understand that I’m telling the truth. ….. We are the principal speakers and I think this has given the tone to our campaign. ….I think it of the utmost importance that you should make at least four speeches here, one at Haverhill and one at Gloucester, for although I think Gardner’s election reasonably safe there is a certain amount of soreness, and your influence which is equally by that of no one else could do a great deal of good here. …..The settlement of the coal strike of course, was the turning point, but we have taken the stump, and it is obvious in the western part of the state once I have just returned that the tide is running with us, I think we shall elect the governor handsomely in the local conditions in the districts are favorably owing to Democratic quarrels in one or two places, and I expect we shall elect 12 of the 14 Congressman. ……..Mr. Hay has been telegraphing me about closing the Newfoundland Treaty with Sir Robert Bond. I have been begging him to hold off until after the election at least you know how sensitive glue coaster is in them. Report of a treaty might throw the city heavily against us with disastrous effect on the district. Today I find here a long letter from Jordan examining Sir Robert Bond’s position which he strongly condemns. I have sent it to the Secretary of State. The papers say that the treaty has been signed. If so it has been signed over my earnest protest, for I begged that they should not sign until they had heard from some of Gloucester people or talk it over with you….. no Massachusetts senator, no matter how much he desires the treaty on general grounds, as I do could overlook the interest of our great fisheries. This is troubled me very much and I hope you will have an opportunity before it is too late to talk with both the Secretary of State and the President in regard to it. You know Gloucester as thoroughly as any living man and I need not say more to you about the danger to us politically of any treaty which they think there is injurious to their interest.

Very Sincerely Yours H.C. Lodge.”

Henry Cabot Lodge Important TLSHenry Cabot Lodge Important TLSHenry Cabot Lodge Important TLSHenry Cabot Lodge Important TLS
Henry Cabot Lodge Important TLS
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Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Final prices include buyers premium.: $118.00
Number Bids: 1
Auction closed on Thursday, November 19, 2015.

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