February 13th 2025 Auction
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Partly-printed DS, signed “Oliv. Wolcott Jr,” one page, 6.25 x 5.5, May 20, 1783. Wolcott orders the state of Connecticut to pay Captain Wm Lantham 20 pounds “out of the Tax.” Signed at the conclusion by Wolcott as a member of the pay committee. scattered light toning,fine condition.

Oliver Wolcott, Jr. (1760-1833), the son of Oliver Wolcott, succeeded Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury in 1795. He resigned in 1800 after he and Hamilton became involved in a political attack against President John Adams. Wolcott was governor of Connecticut from 1817 to 1827. He was born in Litchfield, and was graduated from Yale.

Oliver Wolcott JrOliver Wolcott Jr
Oliver Wolcott Jr
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Minimum Bid: $100.00
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